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40 g/day flaxseed lowers blood pressure within 6 months.

All You Need To Know Right Now About Flaxseeds And Blood Pressure

Flaxseeds, a true superfood, have been shown in various studies to significantly lower blood pressure when consumed daily in quantities of 30 to 40 grams. Rich in omega-3 fats, lignans, fiber, and minerals, flaxseeds offer benefits beyond blood pressure regulation, including improving cardiovascular, mental, and gut health. Easily incorporated into one’s diet, flaxseed intake comes with positive side benefits, making it an invaluable addition to a balanced diet for overall wellbeing.

Prolon fasting mimicking diet for diabetes

How to Make the Fasting Mimicking Diet Better for Diabetes

The Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) shows promise in treating diabetes, with some participants able to reduce medication after the diet, according to a 12-month study. However, the diet alone is insufficient for diabetes reversal, as significant weight loss is required. The study suggests that for optimal results, one must also adopt lasting dietary changes in conjunction with FMD to achieve substantial weight loss and potentially reverse diabetes. This approach is advocated over simply managing the disease with medication and moderate health changes.

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