Revolutionizing Diabetes Now: ReTune Study, Weight Loss is the Cornerstone

ReTune Study shows weight loss is the cornerstone to reversing diabetes in normal weight people.

Comment: This study of “normal weight” people showed that the same mechanism of diabetes reversal works in all people with diabetes. The problem is there is excess fat in the liver and pancreas, which causes dysfunction in glucose metabolism. Weight loss is the cornerstone to reversing diabetes now. This study shows that the “personal fat threshold” described by Professor Roy Taylor is indeed correct. Normal weight people with diabetes need to lose about 10% of the body weight to reverse their diabetes.

This study points out that Professor Roy Taylors’ diagnosis of the root cause of diabetes is correct in obese people and normal weight people. Diabetes is not different in normal weight people than in obese people. It is just that some people can put fat away from their central organs better than others. Some people have more insulin resistance in their muscles than others. (And diets heavy in animal protein and fat may induce more insulin resistance than other dietary patterns.)

But reversing diabetes all comes down to the same thing–if you have diabetes you need to lose about 35 pounds if you are overweight, or about 10% of your body weight if you are a “normal weight” person. It is the fat inside of the liver and pancreas that matter, not how much extra fat is hanging on your physical body. It is not possible just to lose liver fat and pancreatic fat without substantial body fat loss at the same time. Weight loss is the cornerstone to reversing diabetes now.

Key Findings After 12 months, from the link below: 

  • Participants’ BMI averaged 22.4 kg/m² at the end of the study (reduced from an average of 24.8 kg/m²). 
  • About three quarters (70%) of participants went into remission from type 2 diabetes during the study, with 50% of these going into remission after the first weight loss cycle. 
  • People needed to lose on average 8% of their body weight to go into remission. 
  • In the 14 out of 20 people who went into remission, their average HbA1c fell from 53mmol/mol (7.0%) at the start of the study to 45mmol/mol (6.3%). Their blood pressure dropped despite taking less medication to treat this. 
  • The participants’ liver and pancreas fat levels were higher than expected at the start of the trial but then decreased to normal levels after weight loss. 

Participants reported feeling satisfied with their weight loss and health improvements and didn’t find it hard to keep the weight they’d lost off.

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Michael Donaldson

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