Can You Imagine A World Without Diabetes?
A World Without Diabetes Is A World of Abundance
Come with me and imagine a world without diabetes. Diabetes is a very largest cause of pain, suffering and death worldwide. In the USA one of every 4 health care dollars is spent on diabetic care. Diabetes is not the leading cause of death, but it contributes
And when people get healthy without diabetes, by losing a significant amount of body weight, they will be not suffering from nearly as many other ailments either. Now, the health benefits are massive. Not only personally, but across the globe. A population without diabetes is a population with less cancer, fewer heart attacks, less cognitive decline, fewer obese people. These healthy populations will have better emotional health and relationships will thrive.
The health gains will cause economic productivity to skyrocket. After all, economic activity in the “sick care” industry is not productive to society. It is a misuse of funds and energy that could have been used to build companies, invent new life-sparing devices/tools, and explore nature more thoroughly.
In short, a world without diabetes is a world of abundance. Abundant health. Abundant relationships. Abundant financial resources.
Now, it is true that the hospitals might not be so prestigious, the doctors more rare and less busy, and the health care insurance companies less prosperous. After all, they are part of the “sick care” industry that will be diminished. And they will push back, saying that they are the “experts” in health care, and that they know how this whole system should operate.
But they have had their turn. A whole century long turn.
Now, it is our turn. Our turn to tell the truth about health. Our turn to empower people with knowledge and connections and tools to make healthy choices and not succumb to disease out of frustration. It is our turn to make the world a better place.
A world without diabetes.
After all, when people figure out how to take care of themselves so that they don’t have diabetes, then they will be empowered to figure out other health problems, too, that linger after the diabetes is gone.
And often the same solutions that work for diabetes also work for heart disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and even improve our protection against viruses and bacteria.
And the solution for diabetes is not complicated. As detailed in another article here, diabetes is due to excess fat in the liver and pancreas. When a person loses about 35 pounds of body weight and maintains that weight loss, the excess fat in the liver and pancreas disappear and the diabetes likewise disappears. So, this disease is actually very simple to reverse. Simple, but not always easy. But simple in concept and we can figure out ways to make it happen.
A world without diabetes is a world of abundance.
The Possibility of A World Without Diabetes
Is it possible? Yes. It is inevitable, because truth eventually wins. It may be resisted for a time, even for a very long time. But slowly, inch by inch, study by study, person by person truth spreads. Until it becomes manifest to nearly everyone that an idea is actually true.
Then we have a paradigm shift. That day is coming in health care. We have come a long ways in the last 25 years in terms of knowledge and understanding as a culture about the effects of diet and lifestyle on our modern diseases, these diseases of civilization. We have had many discussions about what is the best diet, the best non-pharmaceutical approach to reversing disease.
Sometimes, in the midst of the heat of the discussions we lose sight of the fact that we are even having this discussion. Together, as a society, as a culture, more and more people are looking for an alternative to pharmaceutical methods of suppressing symptoms of diseases. People use drugs as a crutch for a time, but they actually yearn to be free of the drugs and their never-ending list of side effects (because these man-made chemicals are so foreign to our bodies). People yearn for a better way. And many, but not all, people are willing to put some effort into making changes to better their health.
One day, the truth will be manifest, and people will realize “You Don’t Have to be Sick!” Reverend George Malkmus proclaimed this message for many years, preaching at a monthly seminar to encourage people to become free of disease. One day George’s vision will become reality. We will have a culture that embraces health, that promotes healthy living, just like the healthy community that George envisioned.
Imagine A World Without Diabetes: Abundant Physical, Relational, Financial Health
We will be surrounded by foods in stores that actually promote health. The old big-food companies will change their ways because of the demand of people for healthy foods and a refusal to buy ultra-processed foods anymore. Soda pop and sugar sweetened drinks will be almost a historical object that will make children shudder in horror, wondering why people put such damaging products into their bodies at such high volumes. Our restaurants will cater to healthy people who want food that makes them feel great, not ones that just tickle their taste buds and fill them up for the cheapest price. Snack foods will be ones that promote health, that sustain life, instead of shelf-stable foods with their own long life.
Gyms, clubs, athletic fields, activity groups, and community amenities that promote health will be abundant. People will value physical activity, and enjoy active hobbies. Rather than suffering from injuries and inability to play like they did as youths, adults will continue to play sports that they love well into their adult years. People will enjoy being fit.
Relationships will flourish. All that time and energy saved from doctor’s visits, appointments, surgeries, disabilities from health care “accidents”, side effects avoided by not taking medications, will unleash a torrent of energy to be spent on relationships. Even as people embrace physical health, their minds will be more clear, their emotional state more stable, and they will be able to handle difficult conversations, crucial conversations in relationships that can make or break a relationship. In a world without diabetes people will also strive to have positive relationships. Better physical health also promotes better relational health.
Financial abundance will become common. Wealth will not flow to insurance companies and governments who profit from sickness and disease, but will remain with the people who have accumulated their wealth. Families will inherit financial legacies from their parents and grandparents. Physical health and relational health will spur on entrepreneurship and business development, fair global trade that benefits all parties, resulting in financial abundance.
I look forward and strive to make this world without diabetes a reality. It is a beautiful place. It is a world that I want to live in. It is a world that I want my children and grandchildren to live in.
Truth & Wisdom
At the core of this world without diabetes is truth. Truth is what makes this world possible. Lies, corruption, selfish ambition, greed, and envy all make this world without diabetes a myth, a dream, an impossibility.
We need God’s wisdom, the wisdom that comes down from heaven. Here is how James described it:
True Wisdom
James 3:13-18, NET Bible
Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct he should show his works done in the gentleness that wisdom brings. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfishness in your hearts, do not boast and tell lies against the truth. Such wisdom does not come from above but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where there is jealousy and selfishness, there is disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, accommodating, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and not hypocritical. And the fruit that consists of righteousness is planted in peace among those who make peace.
We need this kind of wisdom, the wisdom that is not earthly, natural, and demonic. We have a world governed by jealousy and selfishness and it has given us a harvest of disorder and every evil practice. We need God’s kingdom to come to earth, even as it is in heaven. The fruit of God’s wisdom will be right living and peace. World peace is not possible without God’s truth, God’s wisdom.
And by God’s grace we will have God’s kingdom here on earth. Like the stone in Daniel’s vision that crushed the statue of human kingdoms and dynasties that then grew and filled the whole earth. Like the great tree that grew from the smallest seed to become a nesting place for every bird in Jesus’ parable.
The truth marches on. God’s truth still marches on. Truth, in the long run, always prevails. And truth will usher in a day when we have a world without diabetes.
Let’s work together to make a world without diabetes a reality.